Workshop Participant Experiences
For over thirty years I have been blessed to have the best particpants any group leader could ask for. Here are some of their experiences.
Although I have always had a reverence for the mountains and wilderness, Steve increased it tenfold by his subtle suggestions of being open to and present to what was going on both around us and inside us. I am, by nature, a physical person, and to combine my joy of movement to the beauty of the mountains is very meaningful to me.
~ Joyce
This week we have enjoyed your humor, wisdom, wonderful storytelling, and obvious love and care for our Earth household.
~ David
Thank you for giving of yourself as a leader to provide an amazing experience during my workshop. I learned more than I can express and enjoyed myself immensely.
~ Ema
I had come expecting the hiking and awareness practices. What I was pleasantly surprised by was Steve’s knowledge of the natural sciences and the cultural history of the area and his ability to communicate this information in an interesting and meaningful way.
~ Matt
I feel blessed to have been a part of the workshop and environment which fosters self-discovery and awareness. My intention to be immersed into the experience and absorb the wholeness of it provided great shifts on an emotional, spiritual, and physical level.
~ Chris
Since my return, my being feels more whole and enriched, so open to new possibilities.
~ Janet
My experience of our time in wilderness is still with me. I sometimes still hear your words of encouragement on the trail and the encouragement to show up for each moment of my life.
~ John
Thank for imparting a supreme respect and reverence for what is important—nature, community, love, sharing… Big Sur is so special and you are a big part of it.
~ Kate
I enjoyed the week with you very much and I still feel impressed from this time. It was exactly what I needed: one part as a time of retreat, of relaxation, and recharge; the other part is for the encouragement to trust in my own path, to trust in my own body, and to trust in a wisdom which is much larger.
~ Warren
My thought has turned again and again to our days in the woods and, though the scent of the forest grows faint, my memories of those days remain strong.
~ Timothy
If you have taken a workshop with me and would like to add a personal experience, please send an account of your experience to me. Thanks.