California Black Oak Quecus kelloggii
Black Oaks are a deciduous tree that grows 30 to 90 feet tall. The deeply lobed leaf is 3 to 7 inches long. This oak produces an acorn said to be preferred by many California native peoples and is an important food source for many species of the central coast. In the coastal range they are found above 2000 feet. In the Santa Lucia Mountains they are often in mixed forests of Ponderosa Pine, Madrone, and various Live Oaks.
When standing alone like the example above Black Oaks will grow with a rounded canopy. In heavy forested areas they will be taller with branches begining much further up the tree.
Black Oak foliage.
The acorn takes about 18 months to mature once the flowers are pollinated.
There is the ideal and then there is what nature does. Like most oaks there is a high degree of variablity in the acorns. All of the above acorns were gathered from a five foot area beneath a single tree.
The forest floor under a Black Oak. Most Black Oaks will mix with other species (Ponderosa Pine, Coulter Pine, Madrone, Interior Live Oak, Canyon Live Oak, Valley Oaks) and is rare to find in a pure stands.