Belonging to Earth: Finding Our Place In Nature
For more photos of our group click here: Belonging to Earth
To view photos that Ann took click here: Ann's Photos
To view photos that Fred took click here: Fred's Photos
Here is a youtube video Steve W posted: Big Sur Water Sprites
Carol sent this link to photos & slideshow: Carol's Photos
Here is a link to: Leroy's Photos
May each of you journey well in you "other" lives and worlds. And as David Whyte encourages us, "What urgency calls you to your one love? What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and spread its branches against a future sky?"
Here is a link to: Leroy's Photos
In every moment of our lives we are supported by natural systems both seen and unseen. Yet, in our culture, many of us are cut off from the natural world. We have little contact with wild nature, little idea of where we live, and little notion of what directly sustains our daily life. Esalen, surrounded and sustained by wild natural systems, is an ideal place to learn more about our sense of place, of nature, and of belonging to this earth.This week was personally powerful for me. To be able to share in more depth the place I care for so deeply with all of you that showed up so fully is special. Coming together to understand our belonging to earth we found belonging in self and community as well. Our journey into the burned area is still vivid in my body and mind. The smell of burnt plants and soil, the color and texture of the abundant charcoal skeletons, the green sprouts emerging everywhere, all live with me. Spending my birthday deep in Big Creek in the waters on a sunny clear day is a present I will remember.
May each of you journey well in you "other" lives and worlds. And as David Whyte encourages us, "What urgency calls you to your one love? What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and spread its branches against a future sky?"
Hello Steven. The past week continues to resonant and inspire my projects and life in the desert. Thank you. I would like to know the name of the Gary Snyder poem that you read, about learning the names of the plants and staying together? Warmly, Catherine
Thanks Catherine,
The poem is called "For the Children."
It was originally published in Turtle Island which won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. Here is a link to the poem: For the Children
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