Monday, July 02, 2007

The Nature of Contemplation

For more photos click here: Workshop Photos

First off, many thanks to you all for your leisurely presence and balanced walk between being and doing... heaven and earth... play and work... meaning and purpose... vision and action...
Second, thanks to Jud, Tanja, and Kai for their support in assisting through the weekend.
Third, gratefulness to wild-nature-as-teacher for the simple and wondrous gifts we experienced.
May we all walk the contemplative path toward greater aliveness...
Wildly, Steven

P.S. Mitch posted a slide show of the photos he took and is willing to send out a DVD to anyone that wants it! Click on this link for the slide show:
You can email Mitch at:


At 10:37 PM, Blogger Michele said...

Steven, Thank you for the wonderful pictures. It was great to see all of you again. I had such a great time. Thank you for the deep knowledge of the trails and nature around us. I especially enjoyed seeing the Esalen Indian sites. Thinking about the them made me feel connected to a time when life was more simple. I will never forget the people, physical beauty, creativity and food :) at Esalen. Lots of Love, Michele

P.S. Hi Kai.
P.S.S. Do you know the name of Marcelo's band?


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